Thursday, 15 January 2015

Sellafield Cover-Up

"Top civil servants and nuclear administrators colluded to prevent MPs from challenging a massive sweetener to a private business taking over the running of Sellafield, internal documents in the hands of The Independent on Sunday reveal. The documents, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, also disclose that the Government pushed through the handover at breakneck speed because it feared that the “unstable management arrangements” of the controversial Cumbrian nuclear complex risked its safety."

 "The documents have come to light only as a result of persistent pressure from Dr David Lowry, an independent environmental policy and research consultant" -  Well done David!

oh and this is of interest to those of you in Somerset
 "Other confidential documents, received after two Freedom of Information Act applications, divulge that three local councils in Somerset asked for £750,000 to fund a planning officer and legal advice from companies that want to build nuclear power stations in their areas, raising questions about conflicts of interest, and that the officially neutral NDA considered coming out in favour of new reactors."

 - three councils.. Sedgemeoor,West Somerset Somerset County Council by any chance?

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