Monday 13 December 2010

Government changes their wording to dress nuclear subsidies up as anything but subsisides

I've been out of the loop for a few days because my internet has been down, i'm feeling really depressed at EdFs recent application to west Somerset district council to decimate further the beautiful countryside here and as I read through my e-mails I see that the government have renamed their subsidies in roder to make it look like they're not subsidies, it's good to know how stupid the state assumes the people are isn't it? I feel incredulous that the government have amended their feed in tariffs to include nuclear particularly given that F-I-T's were designed to benefit micro generation such as individual homes & businesses wishing to do their bit by giving them an incentive to use micro renewables to generate heat and/or energy and allowing them to "feed in" any excess to the national grid. Nuclear power plants (given that they're all at least 1000MW 9often more) in size seems ludicrous that they should benefit from policies designed to benefit energy projects that are the polar opposite in nature and character! In fact I think at some point here I may become a bit of a mystic meg & make some predicitons about how the coming months and possibly years are going to unfold with respect to the nuclear industry... watch this space.

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