Tuesday 1 March 2011

Why are there so few of the written responses to the NPS statements published on the parliament website?

I've just had a look at the written evidence that has been published in response to the NPS statements. I know for  a fact that a significant number of organisations have responded to the NPSs (most of them were copied in to me as they were submitted). They have not been published. Whilst I wouldnt expect that they publish individual responses, I would expect the views of established organisations to be published i,e the nuclear consultation group, the Nuclear Free local Authorities to name but a couple.

As it is, the way that they have represented the written evidence submitted, would make you think that there wasn't much response to them when I know that this simply isn't true. Moreover, anyone would think that there hadn't been any opposition to the nuclear EN6 statements, which simply isnt true either.

There go the government again spinning it how they want to.


  1. These, I think, are the memoranda sent to the energy select committee, not the consultation responses sent to DECC.

  2. Hi there, I realise that, my point is if that's all they see then they definitely aren't going to get a full picture of the breadth of representation made! I thought that it would have included more orgnaisational responses e.g NFLA etc. Ho-hum.
