As The Japanese governments warn of Iodine 131 contamination of water supplies in Tokyo telling the public not to feed it to babies. Nuke industry crony Mark Lynas has gone on the record volunteering to eat the contaminated food from Japan, I seriously hope that he keeps his word and has to go to Japan to do so, being as the W.H.O (World Health Organisation) have banned exports of Japanese foods due to concerns that the radioactive contamination is worse than first thought (surprise surprise there goes the Normalcy bias again!) i.e. the contamination EXCEEDS SAFE LEVELS FOR FOOD.
The W.H.O don't have a great track record on protecting public health either so it's a case again of when these people say things are bad you know they are a whole lot worse than the authorities are letting on.
Maybe Mark could share a trip to Japan with Anne Coulter who claims that radioactivity is good for you? Together maybe they could lecture the Japanese on the benefits of Nuclear meltdowns?
But seriously - these people should be locked up for what they're saying, not only is it hugely misleading for lay people who dont understand the science it is downright out of order - as they speak, many tens of thousands of people have died in Japan as a result of the earthquake and the Tsunami.
Now, the survivors are faced with an invisible insidous killer that unless they develop ARS (Acute Radiation Sickness) may kill them horribly and slowly through a range of diesases or disorders ranging from heart diseases through Autoimmune conditions through to the more well known diseases such as cancer. (not a new experience for the Japanese, who are still living with the effects of the atomic bombs dropped on them over 60 years ago).
Just to give you an idea of how serious the food & water contamination is in Japan, Current World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines recommend that any water which could lead to an annual exposure to radiation of more than 0.1 mSv per year should be investigated further.
The action level following Chernobyl for radiocaesium was and still is 1,000Bq/kg-1.
The levels being detected in Milk Spinach and Fava beans in Japan are exceeding 15,000Bq/kg-1
Here is a quote from the FT, further evidence of the misinformation that is going on:
Mike Thorne, an independent consultant who serves on the UK’s National Dose Assessment Working Group, said assuming someone ate 5kgs of spinach over 10 days, the current highest levels reported in Japan would be equivalent to 1 miliSievert, or less than ordinary annual background radiation levels.
Note how he claims that 1 millisievert is ok and that its less than ordinary background?
YOU CANNOT COMPARE BACKGROUND RADIATION WITH INTERNAL RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION that is why RIFE set an annual limit of 0.1 mSv/yr-1 for bottled water! To ingest food that is giving you a dose of 1 mSv over 10 days is most definitely dangerous - why do you think the U.S have banned food imports & the WHO are saying that the food contamination is serious?
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