Monday, 28 March 2011

Radioactive water accumulating at Fukushima - no precedent for this the Japanese dont know what to do with it

The radioactive birds are coming home to roost now following two weeks of the Japanese constantly pouring water onto the stricken reactors, they have now accumulated a significant amount of highly radioactive water that they dont know what to do with.

The best thing they could have donw would have been to concentrate & contain, maybe the concrete and sand that was used at Chernobyl might have been the solution that may have smothered the reactor cores starving them of the oxygen neccessary for combustion to occur? Who knows its hard to say. One thing I do know is that emmissions to Air & Water are a way of doing the Dilute & disperse method historically favoured by commerce everywhere (also known as Foul & Flee).

This will see huge amount of long-lived radioactive contaminants finding there way into the global circulation as I warned about weeks ago. You cant stop the wind from blowing the oceans from moving or water from evapourating.

There seems to be little  to no information coming out of Japan about Plutonium or Uranium or any other transuranics or actinides that cannot be detected with gamma detection equipment. Hmmm.

It's just as telling the information that isnt available as that which is available.

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