Saturday, 19 March 2011

Media complicit in Global Nuclear Industry attempts to cover up the scale of the disaster in Japan

Unqualified attribution
I really object to journalists reporting that drops in the radiation levels being detected away from the plant equate to efforts at the plant being successful in reducing the radioactivity in the area. As the radioactvity escapes into the atmosphere it mixes and 'dilutes' which will be responsible for the lower readings being detected.

Please don't confuse the atmospheric mixing or dilution of the radioactivity as being synonymous with there being less of it. Whilst the mixing is good news in terms of the isotopes with short half lives of a few weeks or so it's almost inconsequential in terms of long-lived isotopes such as Plutonium which has a half-life of 24,000 years (the time it takes for its radioactivity to decacy by half). This isotope is absolutely deadly (that's why it takes its name from the god of hell) and it will find it's way into global circulation if, as is believed, there is a crack in the  pressure vessel of the MOX. Another potential source of Plutonium finding it's way into circulation will be as a result of the cracks in the pressure vessels of reactors 2 & 4, and the fuel ponds.

 Apparently the water that they are being flooded with exceeds the capacity of the ponds - it is therefore probably reasonable to believe that the water that they are being soaked with is probably being washed into the ground on the site also where it will also find it's way into the local water table. It is therefore not inconceivable that it will also find it's way into the Pacific Ocean also at some point. 

It is not clear at this stage what concentrations that this would occur in as at this stage event the authorities do not have clear information about the radioactivity being released from this site. Even when they do the global nuclear industry and governments the world over are not known for their openness and transparency and so the only thing that you can rely on them for is an underestimate of the true scale of things as has happened constantly since the birth of the nuclear industry.

I hope that they are successful in restoring power and therefore cooling to the plant but make no mistake this will not be the averison of nuclear catastrophe that the media are claiming. The events of the last week are a nuclear catastrophe there has already been enough radiacoactivity released into the atmosphere over the last week which will cross borders (as happened at Chernobyl). Even if it is not on quite the same scale as Chernobyl it will not be confined to just Japan the oceans & the atmosphere have a global circulation, and whilst this may disperse the radioactivity there is no such thing as a safe dose of radiation. As with the weapons that were tested & then dropped on Japan all those years ago which make a contribution to the global background radiation that we all get a dose of, so to will Fukushima make it's contribution to the global dose that we all receive.

Permissable levels of radiation dose increased in Japan
The Japanese at present are constantly revising their legal limits of radiation exposure upwards there are two reasons for this as I see it, one is to give legal precedence for the techicians to receive more exposure legally, and second and perhaps more significantly it is to aid in the deception of the public when the media report. The implication is that instead of journalists reporting that radiation levels are hundreds of times over the legal limits which gives a clear indication of just how bad things are there they will be able to obfuscate the issue by reporting that the radiation is less times over the legal limit hoodwinking the public onto thinking that the radiation is reducing or not as bad as first thought.

None of the changes to permissable levels make radiation any less harmful to human health in fact what this effectively does is devalue human health even further than it already is. This is not a move being made on the basis of scientific evidence proving that radiation is not as harmful as first thought, it is a move that is part of efforts to 'dumb down' what is really going on and to confuse the public.

Whilst I'm on the subject I've been listeing to the global media banging on about how Japan and TEPCO dont have a good track record on openness & transparency relating to the nuclear indsutry in Japan. Whilst this is true, this statement on it's own seeks to mislead the public also. 

There is a global lack of transparency & accountability  among all of the global nuclear industry which stems directly from its close ties with the Governments of all of the nuclear countries. This is a direct cause of the culture of impunity with which the nuclear industry has been able to operate worldwide since it's inception.

This is why we must stand up now & put an end to the global nuclear industry. They managed to successfully spin chernobyl as not that bad, evidence of this is everywhere just look at george Monbiots article in the guardian yesterday where he follows the IAEA line about how many people died as a result of chernobyl. Instead of seeking the facts from reputable scientists such as dr Rosalie Bertell, Dr Sergii Mirnyi , Prof Vesily Ms Cornelia Hesse-Honegger plus many others who have directly studied the consequneces of Chernobyl and gave evidence about the consequences in 1996 at the Permanant Peoples Tribunal.

The biggest battle we face now on top of the one to know the truth about the radiation risk we all face as a result of this disaster, is the one that we have always had to battle -  the battle against Government & industry disinformation. We must not allow them to lie to the public about this we must not be taken in by there lies, we must make absolutely sure that the public has access to the information that allows them to make properly informed decisions about this industry & this disaster.

            "The most dangerous isotope to escape from the bleeding mouth of the reactor will never appear on the periodic chemistry scale. It is lie "Lie 86". A lie as global as the accident itself".
                             Alla Yaroshinskaya on Chernobyl.


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