Friday, 18 March 2011

Seize the Day Stop Hinkley & Green Party Benefit gig

there's a gig for stop Hinkley next Friday the 25th March Seize the Day: One of their songs can be found here.

Mr Magical Molecule

What's reversing down the cul-de-sac? Nirex to Nagaski on the back of an unmarked truck on the open road looking for somewhere to dump his load,now he's pulling up outside, quick everybody find somewhere to hide, remember how he made us all ill the day he came over from Chernobyl. 

Now he's as green as Ecover, that's what I call a makeover! Now with a clean lick of paint, and  in with the glow of a latter-day saint. He must be a master of spin for the council to let him back in when all that he has is a grin & something he got from a hazardous waste bin. 

Sure I knew you Mr Magical Molecule saw right through you magical but not ecologigcal hanging round with the same spent fuel saw right through you magical but not ecological.

Who's that knocking at the door? ringer for the feller that came here before, selling the atomic fuel  Mr magical molecule we sent him packing last week, he said it just needed a tweak, but didnt the seam start to leak? and didn't he dump all his crap in the creek? one of the neighbours get burned I cant believe he's returned after he melted a hole in the floor  we told him to never come back anymore  I'm sure I knew you Mr Magical molecule saw right through you. magical but not ecological.

Sure I knew you Mr Magical Molecule saw right through you magical but not ecologigcal hanging round with the same spent fuel saw right through you magical but not ecological

Guess who's ringing on the bell pretending he's someone else, he wants me to cut my emissions by adopting a fission position. In just a decade or two we're gonna save CO2. In just a decade  or four still isn't built and he's asking for more  I don't have ten years to wait for reactions to little too lethal too late just leave me the sun in the sky, I'll find a way to get by  Mr magical  Molecule hanging round with the same spent fuel call me tragical kilojoules, Mr Magical Molecule.

Now he's kneeling at the letterbox, thank heaven we changed all the locks whispers he'll do me a favour but not tell my Iranian neighbour, we switched from fossil to fissile we'll get a new fleet  of missiles megatons more than I need but at least i can stay in the lead with my atoms of peace armoury and addition of ills for the home security terrorsits trying to get in & me with a shirt full of terrible toxins, long after concrete has crumbled pray that it still wont be rumbled  kids of the future remember never to break in and blow up the embers down in the cellar so dry, subterranean waters will never run dry, and if theres a crack in the lab a man in a lab coat will always be on hand ho ho Mr Magical molecule I dont think so magical but not ecological.

STOP! don't pick up the phone, he's checking to see if the kids are home alone,wait till the energy dwindles then open a window for the windscale swindle, says it cant hurt them to look, they'll never know he's a crook, its only after they're hooked, that they'll find he's more than the bookseller cooked, he's a regular scabies attack, a hardcore zombie thats keeps coming back, I haven't got time for this somebody's taking the p**s

Mr Magical Molecule hanging round with the same spent fuel tragi-comical kilojoules, Mr Magical Molecule 
I know you are the  comeback kid do what you did, with the trillion dollar dustbin lid, you got a senile has been ecologist paid up D R apologist you're a working dad man but not a bad man, maybe a mad man surely a sad ma.n, a follow the fad man, a one the lads man a concrete clad & a 1000 rads man  I thought we made it perfectly clear we didn't want you back around here no i dont need to take another look, nuclear power (no thanks) sling your hook! Who's that tapping at the window? Mr Magical G.M Oh oh!

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