Sunday, 17 April 2011

Clean Green Jobs not Nuclear jobs

On Tuesday 12th April 6 SWANs took to the streets of Bridgwater with a piece of street theatre aimed at drawing attention to the lies that have been intricately orchestrated by the likes of EDF with the complicity of Sedgemoor District Councillors.

The Activists improvised a sketch questioning the validity of EDFs claims about Jobs that will be created at Hinkley that are swallowed without question by the local authorities here in Somerset.  

Interestingly whilst claiming in their planning responses that the local authorities could only respond to individual planning applications because 'national policy' is set by central government - why is it then that S.D.C & W.S.D.C  failed to respond at all to the governments consultation on the justification for new nuclear consultation that the government undertook? 

Whilst on the subject of consultations,the incompetents at Tory led S.D.C also failed to respond to any of the governments NPS consultations except for EN1 - overarching energy strategy and EN5 - Energy Infrastructure.

For anyone not familiar with the NPSs, EN5 basically deals with the national grid plans for new pylons an issue that has seen anti-pylon campaigns here in Sedgemoor, (Funny how at the planning meeting for a windfarm at Hinkley some years ago I can remember remarking on how it was strange that no-one protested against pylons!).

So tory dominated SDC are concerned enough to engage about issues like a few pylons but completely failed to engage at all about nuclear or renewables both of which are highly contested issues both here in Sedgemoor & nationally and opitomise the problems and possible solutions of energy generation, no surprises there then?

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