Monday, 4 April 2011

TEPCO to dump radioactive water at sea

TEPCO are planning to dump radioactive water at sea, they are trying to say that it's not very radioactive, if that is the case then why is it causing the problems they claim in terms of working at the plant? and why have they been using sandbags up until now to stop it spreading into the sea?

Again they are trying to use language that beguiles the public into thinking that there is no danger posed by what they are planning.

It looks like this is going to be defining difference between Chernobyl & Fukushima, Chernobyl went all up into the atmosphere and this is going to be continously poured into the sea -  make no mistake this is going to be highly radioactive water, we're talking water that has been in contact with reactor cores and spent fuel for  at least for all of the reactors on this site (the reactor that had been so-called decommissioned has its core in the spent fuel pool), as well as the stuff that is in the common pool. Oh & did I mention that all this is ina context where TEPCO have been keeping a lot ore fuel than they were supposed to in these pools - all while the regulators turned a blind eye.....

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