Saturday, 5 March 2011

Surviving Disaster Tragedy - Chernobyl nuclear disaster

The reality of denial when disaster strikes and how profound it is..people are deluded if they think the authorities here would be much different, They would deny & play down the gravity of any incident just like they always do everywhere. 

Ask yourself what happens here when theres even a minor accident let alone a major one? You won't here about it anywhere until it makes it onto the INES as much as three months later! - very transparent isn't it?  Ironic given that the INES is supposed to be a tool for reassuring the public that it's all ok.

The fact that these people globally have ever carried on with it after Chernobyl is testament to the fact that they're still in denial just the same way those suits were at Chernobyl that day.

 They'd deny it if it happened here -  their still denying it happened there. 

"It was Russian technology" or "Not many people died"  - these are all deceptions aimed at excusing that case from being comparable to our context or denying the gravity of the incident.

The scary thing is that it's not all of us they're trying to deceive, some of us know the truth, its themselves as much as the rest of the world because the simple truth is that if they were really aware of how certain a demise it is for us all they wouldn't do it still, would they?

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