Whilst Fukushima rages on the international community are still unable to raise the funds for a news sarcophagus for Chernobyl reator #4 in it's entirity. This raises several issues about the nuclear industry and the attitudes of governments around the world.
One is whether or not the international community is really committed to ensuring that the Chernobyl radiation stays where it is. I feel this demonstrates what a low priority the people of the affected territories are to the rest of the world. But then maybe I shouldnt be surprised, after all, if people around the world believe the rubbish and lies that emanate from the nuclear industry and nuclear apologists such as George Monbiot then everyone probably thinks that radiation is good for you and we should all rush out to buy some contaminated veg in solidarity with the farmers of Fukushima.
Secondly, if we can't even be bothered to ensure that the Chernobyl radiation remains contained it raises a whole lot of issues about whether or not the political will will ever materialise beyond government rhetoric to adequately manage the rest of the nuclear waste around the world. Fukushima is still spewing radioactivity into both the atmosphere and particularly the Pacific Ocean, I wonder how much this fact is enabling the Japanese Government TEPCP and the IAEA to do F*** all about containing the radioactive contaminants?
Maybe we'll all adopt the Lasseiz Faire attitude of the American government and after promising appropriate decommissioning of nuclear sites instead opt for bulldozing them to the ground leaving the invisible contamination to foist itself upon unwitting organisms such as ourselves like they have at Rocky Flats.
Or maybe like here in the UK we'll just rename places like Chernobyl and Fukushima quietly like we did here at Windscale? to try and cover up the nuclear industry accidents....
Speaking of which as part of my conscious efforts to address the nuclear industrys on-going practice at framing the terms of reference of the conversation on nuclear I'm going to reclaim the name of Windscale - no longer am I going to be an unwitting participant in a nuclear industry cover-up which was on such a scale that the nuclear industry at their own behest were able to rename an entire area of the UK from here on in I will no longer recognise or use the name Sellafield but will refer to the area and the plant by it's original name - Windscale - in order that we remember the folly of atomic power...
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